Halloween 2018: IT STARTS

It's not entirely a coincidence that I decided to start a blog about making stuff about a month and a half before Halloween - after doing a seventeen page write up on research for my costume I figured "hey maybe I should put this somewhere so other people can use it someday."  That, combined with the fact that Instagram isn't entirely the best platform for describing how to build things, and here we are.

Anyway, Halloween.

I have a fairly extensive Google Doc where I occasionally throw Halloween costume ideas down and sort everything by difficulty (ie, there are some costumes that I would probably need to start making in March, others I can do in October).  Usually what happens is this: around July I realize I should be thinking about a costume, then I take a look at the doc, can't decide, figure I'll come back to it later and suddenly October rolls around and I am way too late to make any of the complicated things.  My Frank costume last year was made the weekend before Halloween.  I think it came out pretty okay, but still.

I couldn't really see out of this either
I am not allowed to wear this in the house at night
I'll maybe do a write up of this one at some point, because it was pretty fun and I am still amazed it actually came together.  I also learned a lot about sewing, and especially sewing with fur. 

Anyway, this year I did actually decide around July what I wanted to do for Halloween.  Or, I kind of did, as this was a costume that I have been wanting to do for a long time, but always kind of hesitated on, because it was something that I really, really wanted to make sure I did right.  It bounced around inside of my head until one day, a piece of the puzzle literally landed right in front of me.  In the form of a Vespa.

So, I decided to do it.  I'm finally going to be Haruko for Halloween.

Minus the left-handedness, of course.
The next few weeks I'll talk about what I am going to do to create this costume, the research I did, the decisions that I made, and why.  Currently I have a few little things that have strangely coming together, and since FLCL just came back for a few new seasons (which I haven't watched yet - I'm waiting for the Japanese version in November!) I figure maybe this can help people who are working on their own costume.  

Here's hoping this all comes together!  


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